A Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) is a hybrid between a sole proprietorship and a corporation. So, as the owner or partner in an LLC, you are considered self-employed as you would be as a sole proprietor. In an LLC, the business itself is not taxed but its owners are.
An annuity can seem like it’s some word thrown around with retirement and savings on financial ads during football season. Here’s a little help to understand annuities.
The several tactics listed below help you meet all your tax obligations while keeping as much of your income as possible. If you have any questions about any of these tactics, we’re more than happy to help. We understand each person’s tax and financial situation is unique to them.
Take the vacation you really want to go on. Start planning now for next year’s and you’ll be so happy you did.
Vacations are not clearly priced. Even if you buy some packaged deal, there’s always some cost that’s not accounted for. Here’s some tips on how to plan for next years vacation.